• Local.  Durable.  Sustainable.



Our Mission:
Elevate communities through innovative materials and methods that transform the way we design and build

In practice this means manufacturing beautiful, durable, sustainable and highly-efficient housing...
Utilizing local materials and short supply chains to improve the health of our forests and lower our carbon footprint resulting in...
Healthier communities where anchored, engaged and curious people continuously improve their relationships, workplaces and the environment.

Our Mission:
Elevate communities through innovative materials and methods that transform the way we design and build

In practice this means manufacturing beautiful, durable, sustainable and highly-efficient housing...

Utilizing local materials and short supply chains to improve the health of our forests and lower our carbon footprint resulting in...

Healthier communities where anchored, engaged and curious people continuously improve their relationships, workplaces and the environment.

I'm ​Interested In...

Understanding the Timber Age™ Approach
Designing a Timber Age™ Home
Building a Timber Age™ Home
Timber Age™ Purpose and Process
Investing in Timber Age™
